Do You Feel Unappreciated As a Wife/Woman?

by Md Delower Hossain

I wonder if it is normal to feel Unappreciated by your husband/man at times. Do husbands/Men generally take their wives for granted and assume that they don't need TLC especially after children have come on the scene? This is quite troubling, I have experienced it and heard so many stories from friends and I wonder why so many women feel this way. Husbands/Men generally take it for granted that the wife/woman will run the home, raise the kids and also contribute to the household income by working. Whoops we must be "super powers", because it sure ain't easy to achieve. This is an uphill task for any woman.
Most days you end up exhausted and completely fatigued and with no man to even appreciate your efforts or offer some much needed TLC.
What we really need at that time is a cuddle, some small talk and the assurance that we are loved and appreciated.
We don't even mind the tasks of homemaking and Child rearing, what galls us is that the men generally think that it is not such big deal to do;
- School run
- School homework
- Medical checkups
- Shopping
- Cooking & Cleaning and Maintenance
- Taking the kids out for fun or parties
- As well as you own 9-5 job[At times it even extends after 5]
As a working mother and wife/woman we are generally tasked to the hilt and a little appreciation often goes a long way.
The truth is that after work, homemaking and child rearing you most probably will have no time for yourself. And this "sucks" because you begin to loose sense of self because you have no "Me Time".
Even if you are a house wife you would really relish some appreciation for running the home and taking care of the kids 24/7.
Do you feel the same way? What do you think?
Women I think we need to take our men in hand and also work on creating some "Me Time".
We all need some "Me Time" to even appreciate our selves, dream and work on some new ideas.


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