A house is a bare necessity to live a decent and an enjoyable life.
Man is a social being. He cannot generally think of living in a jungle or in a secluded place far from the habitation of human beings. Without  a house to live in, no man, in whatever station he might be placed, can be happy.

Even great prophets, philosophers, and poets felt the need of a good house. The holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.), who passed many hours in a cave of Hera mountain had a house where he passed the rest of his time in the company of his wives and daughters. Rabindranath, the great poet, curiously felt the need of a house to be situated by the side of an ever-flowing river producing sweet and melodious murmur. He wanted to have neither wealth nor honor but a romantic house.

I am a social being and like to live in a society of good and honest men with good neighbours. I like to live in a house which will be congenial to the development of my body and mind. What I want might be a dream or may pass on as an unfulfilled desire. Still I like a modernly fashioned E-shaped one-storied bungalow pattern house, situated in an open place with good spaces on all sides. It will have face to wide windows and doors to facilitate ventilation. It will have as many as seven rooms, three bed rooms, one for guests and two for the members of the house, one store-room, one drawing room and one dining room.  The reading room will be furnished with gnassfitted almirahs containing books on different subjects and arranged in rows on all sides with a good space in the middle. In the center of the reading room a table will be furnished with comfortable modern furniture. Some nice pictures, photographs  and handiwork's will be arranged in different ways. A bath-roome a sanitary latrine, and a kitchen will be at a considerable distance from the bed-rooms because smoke and damp are uncongenial to health. A tube-well will be sunk between the kitchen and the bath-room.

The chief attraction of my house will be a flower-garden with plants of various seasonal flowers and with a wide and circular green lawn in the middle. After the day's hard work I shall go to members of my house and enjoy myself. It will have a good kitchen garden where I shall grow vegetables of all kinds.

On three sides of my house trees of seasonal fruits will be planted and the front will remain open. These trees will inhale carbon dioxide which we exhale and exhale oxygen which we inhale. Thus the air will be kept balanced and congenial to health.

At  a considerable distance behind my house there will be a big tank where fishes will be cultivated. No tree will be planted on its sides; nothing which can impure its water will be allowed  to be washed in it. 


The humanities encompass a variety of fields of study that explore human culture, creativity, and thought throughout history and in contempo...