
by Md Delower Hossain

Although the "commercial" and "price" of these words appear in the Chinese people's lives, only in the past ten years. But in recent years, the rates are too high and more aroused widespread attention, "House" has almost become a people on various occasions to talk up the topic. In 2009, TV series, "Notre Dame de Paris", after the majority of the audience in a hot, or even become a social phenomenon. It is precisely because it reflected in high rates of background, the city no room family of confusion and frustration.

After the founding of new China for a long time to come, our country's welfare housing Ugg Classic distribution system. Although the name of free housing, but due to supply shortage, the overall living conditions to improve the long term, apartment building, contain, three generations living together in one room, many people still fresh. To 1978, city per capita housing construction area only 6.7 square meters. 30 years of reform and opening up, especially in 1998 the stop housing the physical distribution of urban housing system reform after 10 years, the housing conditions of urban residents has been noticeably improved. By the end of 2009, the city per capita housing area is nearly 30 square meters, housing shortage with much ease, most families have their own homes.

However, in the urbanization enters the fast development phase, due to the increasing demand for housing, housing pressure over a longer period of time still exists. According to the Ministry of housing and urban-rural responsible person mentioned above, 2009 China urbanization level reached 46.6%, conservative estimates that by 2020, China's urbanization rate will reach 55%. In accordance with the relevant plan, the next 10 years China's per capita living area will reach 35 square meters, while in 2008 the figure of 28 square meters. This Cardy Boots means that the next 10 years national urban residential demand will reach 42 million square meters per year count 4.2 million square meters. If you consider to 2020 China General urbanization rate will reach 55% average annual increase of one percentage point, plus the portion of the new city population future annual produce of the real residential demand will be around 8 million square meters. On housing supply is a huge pressure. 

Ministry of housing and urban-rural policy Research Center Director Chen Huai believes that since 1999, China town built nearly 80 million square meters of new houses, about 70 million sets of new houses, equivalent to 2 billion in 2008, 35% of urban families living in the House. But even so, per 100 households in urban households, each year, Uggs Boots can only have 3 to 4 households into a new House. This "absolute shortage" was a result of 20 years and 30 years of hard work to eliminate, in a rather long period, housing supply also needs to maintain a high growth rate, in order to meet urban residents on housing demand. 

On the one hand, demand continues to rise, on the other hand, our country has a much smaller country determines the protection of arable land is an important national policy, cannot be uncontrolled expansion of urban, occupation of land, land resources limited, urban space limited and housing demand expansion conflicts will highlight the long term.

In addition, China's real estate market development history only 10 years, institutional mechanisms are not perfect. Over the past 10 years, more attention through the real estate market to solve the housing demand, targeted low-income groups, supportability Cheap Ugg Bootshousing supply contain too much, causing an imbalance in the supply structure housing. House prices rise rapidly in recent years, result in some large cities, middle-income families cannot afford housing, in recent years, the Central Bank on a regular basis for customer surveys, that "the current price is too high" residents at 70%. All these factors make the housing problem in recent years set highlight, a social focus. 

Housing construction to meet residents primarily targets since live, that is, the House should be used to live, instead of investing hype. However, in some cities, one side is a large number of people requiring housing cannot afford a House and the other side is the number of vacant housing, buyers bought houses do not have to live in.Housing is both a consumer and investment goods, in recent years, this idea has been in the hearts of the people. "But in the current Chinese need housing reflects Cheap Ugg Boots consumer characteristics, mainly used for living. "The Chinese Academy of finance, Deputy Director of the Institute, said that the previous bashusong period of real estate investment products are too keen to make the characteristics of the real estate market is full of atmosphere, leading to price speculation in the near future too quickly. 

The effectiveness of the regulation is coming, August onwards, as part of the regional house prices fall, the market demand has warmed up. Bashusong believes that to a certain extent, this is the control policy depth performance. Developer financial pressure increases, the price sales momentum stock enhancement, the property market is increasing. Therefore, the price appears and throw demand release, turnover increased, in fact this wheel market rebound by home-demand driven, it embodies the characteristics of housing for consumer goods. But since the month of September, some cities in the re-emergence of Ugg Boots Sale rapid rise in the volume and price, the property market to reproduce signs of overheating.

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