The Goodness of Vegetables

by Md Delower Hossain

Health is a very important aspect and most people are quite unaware of the condition of their health. With the growing rate of pollution and stress in people's lives, it is clear that your health condition might take a downward plunge. What you need is a source that can help you to replenish the nutrients that the body lacks. You also need a source of nutrition that can help them to feel energized.

Vegetables are an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals. They are rich in anti oxidants. The antioxidants help fight the free radicals which are the product of the increasing pollution. Incorporating fresh vegetables in your diet can work wonders.

Main benefits of vegetables

Vegetables are important if you want to lose weight. In fact a diet low in starchy food and high in fresh vegetables is bound to be the healthiest of all. You can gain all sorts of vitamins and minerals that can help fight an energy slump. Loss of energy is a common result of excessive dieting. You can feel a little light headed and nauseous due to your rigorous fight to lose weight. With a diet rich in vegetables you can lose weight without these unnecessary side effects.

Vegetables provide essential nutrients to the body. This can help in better skin complexion and better hair and nails too. A diet rich in vegetables can provide important components like Selenium, Biotin and B group vitamins. These nutrients are the major components that are required for glowing skin and lustrous hair.

Sea vegetables are a whole other group of vegetables that are becoming quite popular with globalization of food cultures. These vegetables are essentially found in sea and they are full of extensive vitamins and minerals. They also have some essential nutrients that can only be found in sea water. These vegetables are used in many cuisines and they are especially frequent in preparation of Sushi.

Vegetables can be found in probably every color imaginable. In fact even the colors can be an indicator of the extensive properties that a vegetable might carry. Red vegetables like tomatoes and pumpkins are rich in vitamin A and Lycopene. Green vegetables are an excellent source of iron. A diet rich in multicolor vegetables can very well provide the body with the proper amounts of nutrients that can prevent major diseases like cancer.

Ways of incorporating vegetables in everyday diet

Due to the lack of time, you normally make do with fast food and junk food as a substitute for major meals. In that case you can develop obesity and your immune system might not be strong enough to fight against diseases, so there is a chance that you might fall ill frequently.

Try to start your day with a healthy glass of fresh vegetable juice. Add vegetable puree during cooking food to make them more tasty and nutritious. Salads are a great way to start on a vegetables diet without starving yourself for the result. In case children do not like the taste of vegetable juices, try mixing in a little fruit juice to sweeten the drink yet retaining all the necessary qualities.

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