The Value Of Discipline

The Word 'Discipline' is derived from 'Discipulus', a French-Latin word.

'Disipulus' literally means a disciple. A disciple obeys the orders of his preceptor uni-ques unquestioningly. Discipline is, therefore, a moral quality. It is related to the conduct of a disciple. In its broad sense, however, it includes obedience to any system of rules for orderly conduct. Man in society lives with many others. He cannot always do whatever he likes. If everybody does what he pleases,  there will be disorder and chaos in society. Discipline regulates a man;s conduct and prevents him from being disorderly and impulsive. It brings great benefit's to a man by controlling and properly guiding his impulses to live an orderly and peaceful life. We must discipline our conduct. Otherwise, confusion and disruption will destroy our happiness.

In the early stages of society man was in some respects lawless. Gradually, man released the usefulness of orderly conduct through experience. The more experienced he became, the more clearly he understood the positive the positive benefits of discipline. Success after success came to him as a result of disciplined action. Man at last became convinced of the utility of disciplined action. Today a civilized man recognizes it as an essential element of success in life. In fact, the importance of discipline lies in every walk of life. Discipline must be enforced early in life. Discipline at home makes for the future greatness of a child. It forms his character and makes him a fit citizen. The child who is allowed to have his own way in all things becomes wayward. He will commit all sorts of excesses. But the child whose habits have been disciplined and who has been taught to rise early, to attend to his lessons properly, to take physical exercise at the proper time and to avoid thing that are injurious, will grow up to be a useful member of society. Life without a rudder and a compass cannot successfully perform a voyage in an ocean, so a life which is not fortified by discipline cannot have a prosperous journey in this world. It is discipline which makes life sail aright and brings it to the haven of peace and prosperity. Life is sure to suffer a hopeless wreck, if it be without discipline. In order to make our life a success. It is necessary that we should undergo a course of thorough discipline.

The Value of discipline is obvious in every walk of life. In certain spheres of activity discipline is the first essential. For instance, in the army, everyone, from the corporal to the general, has to lead a strictly discipline is the first essential. For instance, in the army, everyone, from the corporal to the general, has to lead a strictly disciplined life. If the soldier does not obey orders, if the general does not obey instructions, there is an end of discipline, and the army becomes at once a mere rabble, unfit to do its work. The reason why a small police or military force is able to control a mob of thousands, is that the former, having been disciplined, can act in concert, while the latter cannot do so. We have a glowing example of discipline in the army in Tennyson's poem, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'. At the  Battle of Balaclava, in obedience to an order from the commander, 600 English soldiers charged a whole detachment of the Russian army. The Soldiers did not question the propriety of the order, which was obviously a blunder, They marched into the valley of death unflinchingly.

As in the army so in schools, discipline is a necessary condition of learning. It contains such element as punctuality, quiet and steady work and prompt obedience. The student who fails to be punctual disturbs the work of his class and hampers progress. The student who does not devote himself steadily and regularly to his work can hardly hope to be successful in life. Indiscipline has much affected the intellectual and moral qualities of many of the promising scholars.

In civil affairs as well, the value of discipline cannot be exaggerated. The Government, which administers the affairs of a country with the help of a comparatively small number of man, can do so, only because there is discipline among the men it employs. From the Governor down to the village Chowkidar, all obey orders and follow instructions. If Government servants cease to obey orders, the result will be the chaos. Without discipline no Government work can be carried on for a single day. It is discipline which holds together so vast and organization as Government. Here a healthy spirit of subordination prevails. Similarly, in a family, the members should obey its head. If they do not, there will be no peace and order.

That home is not a home where discipline does not reign. It becomes the scene of disorder, confusion and quarrels. Here children must obey their parents, servants their master and inferiors their superiors. So, to secure domestic happiness, comfort and peace, it is necessary that discipline should be introduced, enforced and maintained.

So discipline is of the utmost importance for the stability of society. Discipline is the root of all other virtues that can adorn human life. It is discipline that draws the sharp line of distinction between man and beast. A life, which is not under the rigorous of discipline, often finds itself reduced to the state of a brute.


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