Obedience To Parents

Obedience to parents means doing what our parents tell us to do.
Disobedience to parents is a sin. All religions emphasis obedience to parents as a bounden duty. " The Quran stresses: the paradise of a son or daughter lies at the feet of his or her parents." The Hindu Scriptures sanctify the father as the religion, the heaven and the supreme preceptor.

Obedience makes character. "Learn to obey and you will be obyed" is a wise saying. Our parents are our greatest well-wishers they sacrifice all their comforts for  our sake we could not live without their love and care.

Disobedience  to parents leads to miseries and disgrace.

Obedience to parents helps one to be happy and successful in life and entitles one to go to heaven after death. So this duty should never be neglected.


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