College Life

College Life is a free life in which there are no restriction strict control and guardianship. In this life, the student is not accountable for his daily work to his teachers and guardians. On the other hand, he enjoys much greater freedom form control and supervision. He is the master of his own destiny. It is upto his sweet will to make it well or to mar it hopelessly.

A Student comes to the college leaving behind the restricted and monotonous life of his school days. The college offers him a free life. Here there are on restrictions nor the threats of teacher. He comes hear with new hopes and aspirations . It presents to him a new sight which is quite different from what he saw in and around his school. He comes across many unknown faces. Every is busy with his or her business and moves and talks with an air of superiority.

At college, the student has not to be in attendance for fixed hours everyday. Classes are not to be in attendance for fixed hours every day. Classes are not taken in the morning, some at noon and some in the afternoon. So the student has ample opportunity to use, to abuse or to misuse his time.

At college, the student is not confined to one particular room, as he was in his school. At the end from the library to the common room, as his daily routine or conscience dictates. He plays indoor games and outdoor games and enjoys radio programmes  during recess periods.

The method of teaching in the college is the college is quite different from that in the school. Here one professor or lecturer never teachers  two subjects. Each subject is taught by a lecturer or professor specialised in that subject. The students of the college are n ot all honest. Many of them give false percentages. If any one is caught in giving proxy, he is punished.

At college, the student may or may not prepare his daily lessons. Nobody will take him to task for leaving his lessons undone. He is left to his own resources. He must understand his deficiencies and the gaps in his studies and find ways and means of making them up. He must, for the mo9t part, depend upon himself. When he feels badly the need of help,, he may take it from a friend or teacher only as his means and circumstances permit.

Questions are not asked of students in the college. Professors do not rebuke the students if they do not learn their lessons. They simply tell the students to be conscious of their responsibilities, They are constantly reminded that they are no longer boys and they must behave as grown-up people.

Every college has a big library furnished with  many almirahs of books arranged in rows on all sides, with a big space in the middle. The students go to the library and read the valuable and rare books to their heart's content. Every student has great freedom in the choice of books.



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