
By Md Delower Hossain

In this world, there are many professions that an individual performs throughout their lives, but yet there are a couple of professions that every individual in the world probably performs on a daily basis, and it is the professions of being a Tradesman, and a Tailor.

Some may be thinking to themselves, what, every individual in the world is a Tradesman and a Tailor?
A Tradesman is what I ask, a storekeeper, one who trades goods to individuals, and yet a Tailor is what I ask, someone who makes and or repairs clothes for an individual. If these definitions are correct, then yes, every individual in the world practices these professions.

It is a very popular custom of the Native Americans to trade garments when they come together, either garments that they have made themselves, and or yet maybe some garment that they may have acquired at sometime within their ongoing lives.

I mean even if one gives a necklace to one and the other trades back a head dress to the other then have they not exchanged and traded garments, as these items are to be worn.

Point being, there are many types of garments a person can trade, and or repair for another individual.

This example of course is being used for a reason, and it is so everyone reading this message can get a clearer picture in their mind, that will help them see and understand what is about to be revealed to them.

Throughout the world, individuals come together on a daily basis and partake in what would be called a conversation. Now sometimes these conversations can be long ones, but yet then again, sometimes they are just real quick and short.

Now during these conversations, one individual may actually speak words of rudeness to the other, and therefore the other, the one on the receiving end of these words, has to make a decision at this time.

Does this person actually speak words of rudeness back, or do they instead decide to return words of kindness?

If the individual returns words of rudeness, then the Trade, of words, is a balanced trade,but yet if the individual returns words of kindness, then now the trade now becomes an unbalanced trade.

The Holy Scriptures teach that an individual is to overcome evil with good (Romans 12 v 21), and to bless those that curse them (Matthew 5 v 44).

The message of these scriptures is quite clear, that we as single individuals are to always make sure, that we always give the better trade.

So for further understanding of this message, please look at the individual in the example as deciding to trade in return, words of kindness.

Now what I want everyone to see is that the two individuals mentioned in the above example, actually are clothing the other individual with a garment.

One could actually say that a conversation that takes place between two single individuals is truly two people trading garments back and forth between themselves.

Please understand, that words that are spoken out of an individuals mouth, creates what is known as Sound Waves.

These Sound Waves thus now surround, and or thus clothe, both individuals as they speak, and or are spoken too.

And therefore now please know and thus understand that when an individual speaks words of repentance out of their mouths, they are actually putting on a garment of sackcloth.

But now in the example used above, one clothed the other with a garment of rudeness, but yet the other looked at their received trade, and decided not to trade back the same type of garment, but to clothe them with a garment of kindness.

The individual, who clothed the other with a garment of kindness, truly is the one who made the better trade. This individual is the child of the Heavenly Father.

By making this better trade, the other individual will quickly realize now, that the garment that they chose to trade and thus clothe the other individual with really was not their best garment.

They quickly realize that even though they received the better trade, they also quickly realize that they themselves are actually the giver of the lesser garment.

They quickly go back to their wardrobe, their storehouse, where their garments are kept, called their Heart, and they fetch another garment from it, a garment of kindness, and a garment of apology.

Now once this happens, the other individual reaches back into their wardrobe, their storehouse, their Heart, and brings out a garment of forgiveness.

So truly when two individuals have a conversation, they are continuously trading garments back and forth, as the Sound Waves of their mouths continuously surround and thus clothe the other individual.

The children of the Heavenly Father, are to only trade to and clothe other individuals with garments of kindness, garments of compassion, garments of forgiveness, and of course the greatest garment of all, Love.

But now I also want everyone to see something else, that truly one could say that the one individual who received the garment of rudeness from the other, simply took it, as a Tailor, and made the repair to it, and thus made a new garment of kindness out of it, and then simply returned it back to its original owner.

By doing this, the individual now has helped the other individual, get rid of one garment out of their wardrobe, their Heart, and thus replace it, with a new garment of kindness.

They have helped the other individual clean out of their closet the old ugly garment of rudeness, and yet maybe even other garments are cleaned out as well, like the garments of jealousy, the garments of bitterness, and of course that old garment of Hate.

This is what the children of the Heavenly are to do, they are to help others clean out the old garments out their wardrobes, their storehouses, their closets, called their Hearts, and then thus help them fill it with the new and better garments.

One could actually say that the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, simply means, clothe others with garments, that you yourself would want to be clothed with as well. Luke 6 v 31
But now just think about it for a moment, yes just a moment everyone, that if enough people decided to strive to become the best Tradesman and Tailors, society as a whole would become so Lovely, yes so Beautiful, because everyone would be dressed in their best attire every single day.

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