Terrible Reasons To Get Married

By Md Delower Hossain

Numerous couples from all over the world get married everyday-and why not? Getting married is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone. People have various reasons to get married, but recent statistics show that a lot of couples today marry for the wrong reasons. Many people make the very common error of rushing into a serious commitment, only to grasp the gravity of the situation when already faced with problems in the relationship.

As a consequence, there are often frustrations and unhappiness, and it seems that the only possible solution to the problem is divorce. It is crucial for a couple to thoroughly think before deciding to tie the knot.

Getting married is a life-changing decision, and any doubts or uncertainties before the wedding should not be ignored-better have a delayed wedding than jump right in and regret the decision later. Before saying yes, every couple must be certain that they are doing it for the right reasons. Are you sure you have the right reasons for getting married? Here are the most terrible reasons to get married that just might make your future a very unpleasant one: Being single is fun, but when your girl friends start walking down the aisle one by one, you are faced with the inevitable: the only single girl in the pack-always the bridesmaid but never the bride.

It is normal to feel left out and scared that you may never get married. However, being the last single girl standing is not reason enough to get hitched just for the sake of joining the bandwagon. Love is the most important reason that should motivate a person to say I do: not love-at-first sight, but the kind of love that has stood the test of time. Although some people can fall in love overnight, true love isn't usually found after a few casual dates. Whirlwind romances rarely work, so try to wait it out and know the other person more deeply before even thinking about how your wedding should be.

Premarital sex is so ordinary nowadays, that when a young girl of 15 gets pregnant, it is no longer news. In some cultures, it is still shameful to get pregnant outside of marriage, so parents insist that their daughter marry the man who got her pregnant. Although they may think that this is the "proper" thing to do, it's actually not one of the wisest reasons to get married. Marrying a person just for the sake of a child is rather stupid; it can never guarantee that the couple will stay together, let alone have a harmonious relationship. A lot of parents raise their children single-handedly nowadays and it doesn't make a difference just as long as the parent is capable of providing for the child.

Financial stability is one of the toppers of a woman's list of qualifications for a potential life-partner, along with mutual love, respect and commitment. For some, however, the only thing that matters is money. There are women who marry someone only for their hefty wallet, thinking that happiness depends on how much money a person has. Remember that money is just a piece of paper, and it runs out rather quick. All the world's treasures can never alter the way a heart truly feels.


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