Physical Exercise

By Md Delower Hossain
“Health is wealth” runs the popular saying. Really speaking, a sound health is one of the greatest blessings of life. Everyone should try his best to acquire it. There is a close and vital connection between the mind and the body. Education, we know, develops all the faculties of the mind and physical exercise develops all the parts of the body.
It is, therefore, incumbent on every one of us to take some sort of physical exercise everyday. This ought to be a part of our daily business. Students in our country pay very little attention to physical exercise and go on developing their mind without caring thee least for their health. They totally forget that their brains can work only indifferently, if the body is not sufficiently strong. Some have been heard to say that the time that would be spent in taking physical exercise should be better spent in studies. They fail to realize that hard work cannot b expected form unhealthy men. Many brilliant students worked day and night, came out as brilliant sons of their Alma Mater and developed all the faculties of the mind at the cost of their health. But they had to pass away form the world without doing any of the duties that appertain to human life. What would they not have achieved had they devoted a little time to physical exercise? The people of Europe attach very great importance to physical exercise. They are very regular in taking it. Even in old age when the concern for the body seems to be of little importance, they never neglect to follow their daily routine of physical exercise. They people of our country, on the other hand, never care to take physical exercise of and sort. By overwork and keeping lat hours at night, they become lean and thin and their looks become extremely haggard. They become dyspeptic at a very early age and it proves really difficult for them to digest even a small quantity of rice, which a child of seven or eight can very easily assimilate. They become confirmed physical wrecks and pass the few years that they live in terrible sufferings and miseries.

Physical exercise is of many kinds. It would be impossible to mention all of them here. We shall take up th cheapest and the simplest. Waling is and excellent exercise. It is within the easy reach of all. A man who does not develop his body in other ways should make it a point o walk at least and hour a day. He would then have and excellent appetite and he would enjoy a good digestion. He too can do his daily work satisfactorily and with perfect ease. Riding is another kind of exercise. But it is rather confined to the rich and the aristocratic. The majority cannot afford to take this expensive exercise. The football game is also an interesting physical exercise, provided it is not overplayed. It is generally found amongst students that once they are engaged in playing such a game, they go on with it for hours together. They should know that it would do great injury to their bodies.

Physical exercise is, indeed, a great necessity, but then it should not be over-estimated. Improve our body we must, but we cannot neglect the mind.


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